Learning Musical Instrument Make Children Smarter?

Before answering the question, we should understand that there are different criteria and it only brings a “positive effect” to brain development.

Summing up different studies, children should take at most 1-to-6 teaching size, one lesson per week, and maintain at least 2 years. Playing a musical instrument is a multi-tasking activity, it is beneficial to planning and executing. But one thing to remember, singing does not classify as a “musical instrument” due to it does not require other body parts to work together.

Another question, what age do children start learning? In fact, there do not have an exact answer for that. However, some articles mentioned it should be “as early as possible”. So, what does that mean? It is important that children should have the ability to have full control of the musical instrument. But, on top of that, parents should understand children’s development and do not provide too much pressure, or it could give a negative result.

Therefore, we can see music is not only about performing and listening, it is also providing a positive impact on our brain development. We hope all of you can learn more about music therapy and understand the benefit to our life.

If you have any questions regarding music therapy, please feel free to comment or direct message us!