Can Music Heal Mental Trauma?
When kids get hurt, parents would provide medicals supplies to them. But, what about mental health? Shouldn’t we also provide relevant supplies for them to recover?
Long ago, some countries had already made a study about children and adolescent trauma, called “Child and Adolescent Needs and Strength – Trauma (CANS-Trauma). Using comprehensive data collection from children and their families, to conclude the needs for children and provide relevant therapy plans.
However, Hong Kong still does not have this kind of scheme for children and adolescents, not even a Chinese version of those papers. Therefore, one of the music therapists in Hong Kong has decided to make a Chinese version of those papers including different translation processes. Then, using the translated paper to perform a study by randomly choosing 128 aged from 3 to 22 who had been referred to therapy service. The result is more than acceptable using the new translated version of the paper.
Therefore, we can see local studies work better in Hong Kong than paper from other countries. We should show our support and learn about the applications of local studies.